Work >  Questis

Disrupting the Financial Wellness Industry

  • Client


  • Industry Fintech
  • What We Did

    Naming, Brand Strategy, Brand Positioning, Visual Identity, Product Architecture, Product Naming, Messaging, Brand Marketing, Website Design and Build, and Brand Consulting

Questis is a workforce financial empowerment company, providing a complete personal finance solution as an employee benefit. As their business charged forward to seek new investment and sell their solution to enterprise clients, they needed a world-class brand and competitive strategy to help them gain traction in a crowded landscape of financial wellness programs and EAPs. They came to us looking for their “north star.”

Our discovery process revealed that Questis’ solution was uniquely equipped to transform people’s relationships with money while their competitors were mostly limited to offering financial education handouts.We developed a de-positioning strategy to determine which themes would best strengthen Questis and weaken competitors. The positioning concept contained a new descriptor, “financial healing,” which made the prevailing term, “financial wellness,” appear glib and superficial by comparison.

We helped clarify how Questis creates unprecedented value for businesses, by helping them solve the root causes of workplace financial stress. And we further emphasized the positive change questis delivers through a vibrant, upbeat and modern brand identity and messaging.

Transformative big ideas like “financial healing,” “workforce financial empowerment,” and becoming a “life-changing employer” all helped Questis clarify why they matter in the minds of prospective clients. Questis continues to secure new funding to support their growth strategy and is leveling up their enterprise sales program, supported by the brand storytelling that has positioned them as the industry thought leader.

“Disrupt Minds’s brand strategy had a tremendous impact on our business strategy—they helped us navigate M&A opportunities through a brand lens and reach a place of higher customer relevance.”

ANDY KRAMER President, Questis